Your legend lives on sentr

The 30-yard screamers. The 7-all epics. The muppet who washed the white kit with a red sock. Record your history as a team, and as a player.

how sentr works

Add A match

Just one member of the team (usually the manager) adds a match report. This can take less than a minute.

sentr magic

Sentr takes the details from this match, adds it to the rest of your season, and creates stats, insights and sharable content for teams and players.


Match report

Generate a match report that can be shared to team members and on social media.

Sharable graphics

Create graphic images of line ups and results so you can share them on social channels.

Team stats and analysis

Over time, Sentr will produce analysis on things like player partnerships, best formations and more.


Fantasy points

Each player is awarded with fantasy points for the game, and compete in a table across the season against their team mates.

Individual stats

Players can see their individual stats for the team aggregated across the season and all time.

Multiple teams

Players can track their stats for every team they play for, building a picture of their 'career'.

We make football more exciting, competitive and social

Our mission is to use Sentr to motivate more people to play more often. We surveyed our users in 2023, and they told us Sentr improves their team in four ways:


31% say using Sentr makes players more likely to turn up


38% say using Sentr improves team spirit


50% say using Sentr makes players try harder


72% say using Sentr makes playing more enjoyable