Stats, fantasy points and lineups for your football team.

thousands of teams boost their game with sentr

Track your stats

Record your team history – from the near misses to the last minute winners.

Earn fantasy points

Encourage friendly competition in your squad with Fantasy Football.

Share your lineups

Sentr automatically generates sharable content for social media.

Boost player commitment

Field a full team every week - 91% of users say Sentr gets players engaged.

Discover your form

Gain valuable insights like best formations, most potent partnerships and more.

Record your history

Let the near misses and last minute winners live forever in Sentr.

Great app and one which has definitely been good in keeping players committed to playing

St James Oldboys

Creates something to talk about and a positive atmosphere that can change the mentality of the club without people realising

Civil Service FC

Highly recommended! We did fantasy team points manually in prior seasons and this is so much easier

Meadowbank Wednesday

ditch your spreadsheets

Track your stats through Sentr and uncover tactical insights, generate sharable content and engage your team like never before.

get fantasy points for your performance

Compete against your team mates for fantasy points -just like the pros.